Opus 7 - Triton

You find the devil, not only in the music. Meet him inside this organ portative called “Triton” designed in the Gothic style. It is manufactured by hand planed linden wood and its design and production is exclusively realized by our workshop. This organ portative is atypical, especially for the decoration that is based on devil illustrations. We can find them on the pipes. The devil concept is supported also by the triangle of the chair, whose one side evokes a burning flame that creates the fireplace on bass pipes. The decoration of the organ pipes is realized using the special technique embossing, which we have borrowed from jewelry. 

Why “Triton” and the connection with the devil?

The name of this organ portative „Triton“ comes out from the musical tritone (increased quart or decreased quint) sometimes called like “devil in the music”. From the view of musical performance these are 3 tones that sound very dissonant. This resulted to its latin name “diabolus in musica” in the Middle Ages or already mentioned devil in the music. You can listen to it, for example, in the piece of French composer Camill Sain-Saëns La Danse Macabre or the Dance of the skeletons composed in the g minor, where the tritone between A and Es appears. Also on this organ portative the devils are portrayed on the pipes between the tritone sounds while playing. Specifically, these are the tones dis1-a1 and f2-h2. For the support of unique design of this organ portative and its focus on the devil, all the decoration stylized to the hell, dragons, devils or underworld. From that point of view this organ portative is really a unique instrument


The instrument must be perfect not only in term of sound; it should also implement the quality criteria in term of visual appearance. It’s the reason why we covered some parts of this instrument with the sliced gold, the upper edge of the main cabinet and the edge of the bellows we have covered with the inlayed bone band and we have used several kinds of the woods – olive, plum, ebony and boxwood. The impression of time-honored is amplified by the Gothic-inspired bone carvings, which you will find on the main cabinet covered by palm veneer. In addition to the stylized flowers and rosettes, you will also find here the mentioned carved dragons.


The keyboard is made from the linded wood like the entire instrument. The front sides of the whole tones are decorated by the shamrocks; the keys are covered with the bones from both the above and front sides. Half tones are covered by ebony wood. The gold-plated flame carvings will surprise you on the top of keys. They repeatedly refer to the devil theme. The keys are hanged up on the parchment and the instrument’s range is from the c1 to c3 (or from cis3 to d3). 


On the back part of the instrument there is one bellows with the vignette signing our workshop and the name of the instrument Opus 7. The bellows could be handled with the left hand and it is necessary to manipulate it whileplaying. That requires a piece of practice. That is, of course, required for playing any organ portative in comparison with the church organ.

Sound disposition

It is common for all portativs manufactured in our workshop, that the pipes used within the still-sounding register. Pipes are made of the planed organ metal consists of the 70 % of tin and 30 % of lead. The pipes are intoned at full open foot and without nicking on the core. In this way, we got as close as possible to the sound of Gothic instruments. Studying authentic information sources from the Gothic times brought us to specific construction of the pipes. They all have the same thickness scale through the whole compass. This affects the final sound that sounds like strings at low tones. The middle tones sound like a classical principal, the higher middle tones sound like a flute principal and the highest tones sound like very distinctive playful flute. The musical transposition of the instrument is in accordance with the modern requirements 415 Hz, 440 Hz and 460 Hz. For the tuning of the instrument the rings made of organ metal are used at the mouth of the whistles.

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